martes, noviembre 28, 2006

sábado, noviembre 25, 2006

English version:
One: Don't be silly, Bruno. To go on a picnic you need a meadow or a park...
Two: ...thickly foliaged trees, shadow, singing birds and a river. Do you see anything of that here?
Four: Well, we ain't short of ants, are we?

Traducción/translation: Kristina Niesel

jueves, noviembre 23, 2006

English version:
Four: Christmas time again.

martes, noviembre 21, 2006

English version:
Four: 60 liters for free. You're welcome my friend, today it's on the house! Go to the beach and enjoy yourself

Traducción/translation: Kristina Niesel

domingo, noviembre 19, 2006

English version:
One: It seems... hic!... as if tonight there were a lot more stars in the sky...
Two: How many... hic!... stars do you think are there, Bruno?
Four: Very easy. Just count all of them... and then divide them by two.

martes, noviembre 14, 2006

English version:
One: Let the big fancy dress party begin! Are you ready Bruno? - Yes, I am. - Ehem, here I go!
Three: Honestly...
Four: I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

lunes, noviembre 13, 2006

Mi web como ilustrador

Hola de nuevo a todos. Este enlace conduce a mi web personal. Allí podeis echar un vistazo a mi trabajo como ilustrador y contactar personalmente conmigo para hacerme llegar cualquier comentario, propuesta o sugerencia sobre este blog. Estaré encantado de recibirlas.
Hasta pronto

Hi again to everyone! This link leads to my personal website. There you can take a look at my work as illustrator and email me personally to send any suggestion, offer or comment about this blog. I'll be glad to receive them.
See you.
English version:
Three: I'm glad you came. I've just finished a song called "Vulture's life expectancy is much shorter than dog's." Would you like to hear it?

domingo, noviembre 12, 2006

English version:
Four: Do I really snore so loud?

viernes, noviembre 10, 2006

English version:
One: Ooooh! This is what I call a great day! Fresh air, warm sun, little work...
Two: I feel full of life and energy, as if I was able to do anything and...
Four: My god!

jueves, noviembre 09, 2006


Drawn! web multiautor dedicada al mundo de la ilustración, el arte y el comic ha reseñado positivamente Alfredo & Bruno en su resumen diario. Si os interesa el mundo de la ilustración no dejeis de visitar esta web, no tiene desperdicio.
Para todos aquellos anglófonos que han visitado este blog; espero ser capaz de poder traducir las tiras al inglés en breve. No dejeis de pasaros por aquí. Un saludo
Alberto Garcia’s comic strip Alfredo y Bruno is about life seen through the eyes of a dog abandoned in an old Mexican gas station. Alberto promises that it will soon be translated into English, but until then I’m happy just to look at the illustrations. His deceptively simple drawings are examples of brilliant cartooning.

English version:
Four: You took the words out of my mouth

Traducción/translation: Kristina Niesel

domingo, noviembre 05, 2006

English version:
Four: I needed this cure of verticality.

Traducción/translation: Kristina Niesel

English version:
One: Alfredo... Are you sleeping?
Two: Mmm? Not anymore.
Four: He, he, he.

Traducción/translation: Kristina Niesel

English version:
One: Mmm, seems like somebody is coming?
Two: Yes, it's a silverplated car drawing nearer. Who could that be driving?
Four: Mmm, eee... good afternoon, sergeant...

Traducción/translation: Kristina Niesel

English version:
Two: I feel sorry for Alfredo, he seems so lonely.
Three: I am having the impression that my company isn't enough for him.

Traducción/translation: Kristina Niesel
English version:
One: Poor animal, dead, smashed y a car...
Two: Another anonymous victim to put on the black list of the human progress...
Three: ...another life shattered by the unbounded ambition and...
Four: Ehem! What about taking a short rest from the philosophy class?

Traducción/translation: Kristina Niesel
English version:
One: Alfredo, what does ambition mean?
Two: Ambition? Mmm...
Four: It's better you don't find out
Traducción/translation: Kristina Niesel
English version:
One: Ehm, sir, this is a gas station, you are not allowed to smoke here...
Two: Sir? Do you hear me?
Four: Thanks, very kind...

Traducción/translation: Kristina Niesel
English version:
One: Another beautiful girl leaving... But this time I'll use my courage and I'll try to hit on her when she comes by next time...
Two: That girl is not coming back Alfredo. Didn't you see the sticker at the back of her car?
Three: Well, no. What did it say?
Four: California or die.

Traducción/translation: Kristina Niesel
English version:
One: I just received my new ukulele sent from Hawaii by air mail. That was about a time!
Two: 14 months of waiting, I hope it has been worth it. Mmm, let's try...
Four: I think somebody up there has decided that singing is not my thing...

Traducción/translation: Kristina Niesel

Dedicado a Cristina.